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The fifth European Mathematical Congress in Amsterdam, July 14-18, 2008, was organized by Vrije Univeristeit, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica and Universiteit van Amsterdam. There were 786 participants. Chairman of the Organizing Committee was André Ran. The Scientific Committee was chaired by Alexander Schrijver (Amsterdam).


Luigi Ambrosio (Pisa, Italy) Optimal transportation and evolution problems in spaces of probability measures.
Christine Bernardi (Paris, France) From a posteriori analysis to automatic modelling.
Jean Bourgain (Princeton, NJ USA) New developments in arithmetic combinatorics.
Jean-Françoise Le Gall (Paris, France) The continuous limit of large random plamar maps.
Françoise Loeser (Paris, France) The geometry behind non-archimedean integrals.
László Lovász (Budapest, Hungary) Very large graphs.
Matilde Marcolli (Bonn, Germany) Renormalization, Galois symmetries and motives.
Nicolai Reshetikhin (Berkeley, USA) Topological quantum field theory: 20 years later.
Felix Otto (Bonn, Germany) Pattern formation and partial differential equations.
Richard Taylor (Cambridge, USA) The Sato-Tate conjecture.


Artur Avila (Brazil), Alexei Borodin (Russia), Ben Green (UK), Olga Holtz (Russia), Bo’az Klartag (Israel), Alexander Kuznetsov (Russia), Assaf Naor (Czech Republik/Israel), Laure Saint-Raymond (France), Agata Smoktunowicz (Poland), Cédric Villani (France).