Grants and financial support

In order to ensure broad participation in the 6ECM and reduce economic barriers, a limited number of grants will be offered by the Foundation for Polish Science and the European Mathematical Society. Also few grants will be awarded by the European Women in Mathematics for young women mathematicians from less developed countries in Europe.
  1. Eligibility: The grants are targeted towards four groups of applicants:
    • doctoral and masters students,
    • mathematicians at an early stage of their career (post-docs),
    • senior researchers from economically less-favoured countries,
    • young women mathematicians from less developed countries in Europe (EWM grants).
  2. Applications of mathematicians from outside Europe and the countries represented in EMS, will be considered only in exceptional cases and should be supported with evidence of exceptional need and merit.
  3. There will be three types of grants. They will cover:
    • Congress fee: successful applicants will have their congress fees paid by the organisers.
    • Accommodation: successful applicants will be accommodated in a dormitory (single or double room, depending on availability) free of charge for the duration of the congress.
    • Local expenses: successful applicants will obtain 80 PLN (approx. 20 Euro) per diem for the duration of their stay at the Congress, but no more than 400 PLN in total.
  4. Congress fee and accommodation expenses at the dormitories chosen by the organisers will be covered directly. Per diem payments will be made in cash at a bank branch situated near the conference site.
  5. Decisions concerning grants will be be made by a committee nominated by the Executive Organizing Committee of the 6ECM in coordination with the European Mathematical Society.
  6. An applicant should fill the on-line application form which is available after registering for the 6ECM - Besides personal data, appropriate for registration, an applicant is expected to provide:
    • birth date;
    • year of PhD and name of the institution he/she received it from;
    • references to her/his research publications;
    • references to her/his talks at conferences;
    • name and address of a senior researcher with affiliation in Europe or in a country represented in the EMS.
  7. The deadline for electronic submission of grant applications is February 29, 2012.
    The exception are grants young women mathematicians from less developed countries in Europe - deadline for applications is the March, 20. Applications for these grants after 29th February should be sent directly to Professor Robert Wolak -
    The applicants for normal grants will be notified by e-mail about decisions concerning their applications by March 19, 2012.
    The applicants for grants for young women mathematicians from less developed countries in Europe will be notified by March 31.
If you have any questions about grants and financial support, please feel free to write at