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Satellites & Exhibitions

Exhibitions and promotions

At the 6ECM there will be many opportunities to promote mathematical societies and other organizations, publishers, companies related to mathematical research and education (including software, mathematical games etc.)

Satellite Thematic Sessions (STS)

STS will be held in the afternoons during the scientific activities of the 6ECM and whole day on Sunday, July 1 in a short walking distance from the Auditorium Maximum, in the lectures rooms of the AGH University of Science & Technology. For the timetable of STS click here

The organizers of the session are responsible for maintaining a web-page with the detailed program of the session to which a link will is given below.

Maths busking in Kraków

Mathematics in the streets of Kraków

The rpa-committee is one of the permanent committees of the EMS. Here "rpa" stands for "raising public awareness of mathematics."  The main activity during the last years was the realization of a popular mathematical webpage under the auspices of the EMS:

Here in Kraków, at the occasion of the European Congress of Mathematics, our committee will present something new: Mathematics in the streets of Kraków.

Satellite Conferences (not during 6ECM)

Conferences and workshop that have already become the satellite event of 6ECM.